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Our Current Response to COVID-19

What to know before your next appointment

We are pleased to announce that we are now opening our doors to all dental services and treatments. In doing so, we will continue to make the health & safety of our patients & Staff our number one priority. Our practice has infection control policies, procedures & systems in place that are in alignment with the precautions recommended by the ADA, CDC, and OSHA to ensure your confidence and protection during your visit to our practice.

Please make note of the following before your next appointment:

  • You will be asked screening questions prior to your appointment.
  • Reading materials, toys and other such items will be removed from the waiting area.
  • We may ask you to call us from your car to check in before coming into the office
  • Our team will take a reading of your temperature readings at the start of your appointment.
  • Our team members will be wearing protective gear or face masks. We may ask patients to do the same.
  • Treatment rooms will be disinfected between each patient with hospital-grade products.
  • Our common areas will be wiped down several times a day.
  • Team members and patients will be required to regularly wash hands and use hand sanitizer.
  • You may be asked to rinse with peroxide for 20 seconds before your appointment.
  • Team members and patients will be required to regularly wash hands and use hand sanitizer.
  • Available appointment times may be limited to allow for social distancing between patients and to help free up our waiting room.
  • New patients may be required to complete online New Patient Forms rather than filling them out in the office.
  • We kindly ask that only patients with appointments enter the facility. If someone is to accompany you they will be required to answer the COVID survey and wear a mask. So please communicate with our office prior to your appointment.

Thank you for your understanding, loyalty and confidence in our care.

Mayo Dental J